
Quality has always represented a benchmark in the history of BARBIERI RUBBER S.r.l. And today, in the presence of an extremely competitive market, it constitutes even more the means to guarantee customer satisfaction, through the identification of their requirements, the solution of their problems and the meeting of their expectations.
The Management of BARBIERI RUBBER S.r.l. therefore intends to maintain our Quality Management System at the levels established by the ISO 9001: 2015 standards.
- Our goal is to constantly improve production processes, and continually invest in new technologies, staff training and process tools.
- Quality controls are carried out throughout the production cycle. We are able to meet PPAP and EMPB requirements in accordance with the current international standards of the automotive industry (ISO, VDA)
Download our quality certificates:
Download our Quality Policy
English Quality Policy
Policy for quality and environmental protection
Quality has always been a point of reference in the history of BARBIERI RUBBER S.r.l. and today, in the presence of an extremely competitive market, even more so it represents the means to ensure customer satisfaction, through the identification of their needs, the solution of their problems and the meeting of their expectations.
The Management of BARBIERI RUBBER S.r.l. therefore intends to maintain its Quality Management System at the levels required by ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016 standards with the following objectives:
– Regularly deliver products that meet customer requirements and applicable mandatory requirements.
– Achieve and maintain within the company a high degree of efficiency of its systems, production processes and services, such that any anomalies and waste are prevented or nipped in the bud.
– Promote a process approach with respect to which activities are constantly monitored and reviewed on the basis of measurable objectives, defining indicators and periodically reviewing them against the set objectives.
– Address risks and opportunities that may affect product compliance and the ability to increase customer satisfaction.
– Managing as best as possible the effects resulting from the war in Ukraine (increased raw materials, electricity and material delivery times).
It is also committed to:
– Develop throughout the company a culture of Quality and continuous improvement,
– Assign the Customer and stakeholders a central role in the Company’s improvement strategies and processes,
– Seeking the optimization of business processes in order to achieve the highest level of effectiveness and efficiency, at every stage from product conception to delivery.
– Ensure Customers’ right to accessibility and use of the service.
– Involve its employees in setting improvement goals and quality system development plans, in a corporate climate focused on organizational well-being and clarity of their roles and responsibilities,
– Comply with the performance standards characteristic of the product/service rendered,
– Continuously comply, in its operations, with current legislation particularly in the areas of safety, environment, sustainability, i.e., defined contractual agreements,
– Preserve occupational health and safety and environmental protection.
– Optimize energy, raw material and water consumption through research and development of increasingly advanced technological processes and the use of renewable energy.
– Improve its operating methods by aiming them at the prevention of possible service inefficiencies or product non-conformities and all risks, kept under control, of the company’s activities,
– Establish a structured framework of objectives for quality in the conception of continuous improvement
– Keep constantly updated, including in its own experimentation, on materials, equipment, technological innovation of its processes/products
– Periodically review this policy, business objectives, stakeholder requirement, risk analysis to ascertain its suitability.
– Pursue the Zero-Defects Strategy methodology, with a trend of controls calibrated to needs, including through the application of POKA YOKE.
Raw Materials
Our expert and skilled raw material providers are real partners for us, they maintain meticulous quality control of all raw material supplied and provide us with all the quality certificates needed for every batch delivery. We prefer to work with providers who also uphold our values of protecting the environment.
Our engineers check all quality aspects and approve the raw material, which is then stocked in temperature-controlled rooms. Expiration data is constantly under review in accordance with FIFO philosophy.

During the entire production process, samples are taken at regular intervals and carefully checked online.

Finished Products
All finished goods are given a final check in the sorting department before they are completely approved to be stocked or delivered.
We can carry out all the necessary tests for certification, whether internally or at external laboratories.