Caps and paint protections

BARBIERI manufactures rubber caps and protections mainly used as masks for powder and liquid painting operations, or simply as aesthetic finishing elements or elastic bumpers.


For masking purposes, we supply various diameters of silicone caps and plugs resistant up to 300°C, self-cleaning and re-usable.

The rubber we use to manufacture our caps and protections is selected according to the type of machining operation they are to be subjected to, so they may be in silicone rubber (suitable for powder painting) or in EPDM if they are to be used with liquid paints (without the release of adhesive residue).

The standard geometries of rubber caps are shown in the catalogue: circular, square and rectangular.

To obtain any other geometry, to allow perfect seal and masking both from an aesthetic point of view and during painting itself, the alternative is a dedicated mold.


Additional information


The rubber or silicone caps are often used simply as finishing elements for pipes, screws, threaded bores, frames, sheets and electronic devices.

Another application for rubber caps, given their considerable elasticity, is to protect delicate parts both during transport within the factory and during shipping.


-Resistant to a wide range of paints<br>

-Self-cleaning and re-usable (if made of silicone)<br>

-Excellent protection of delicate components during transport<br>

-Protection during assembly <br>


Styren-Butadien rubber


Silicone rubber (Special: Silicone for high temp.)